beibei pumpkin recipes

  • Pumpkin Taro Soup

    Pumpkin Taro Soup

    Lipu taro, 1/4 Beibei pumpkin, 1/4 milk, appropriate amount of hawthorn slices, 1-2 raisins, 1 handful of cooked sesame seeds, 1 handful of pumpkin and taro soup. Step 1: Add the minimum amount of water to taro and pumpkin and beat into rice paste. Step 2

  • Braised pork ribs and chestnut rice

    Braised pork ribs and chestnut rice

    500 grams of pork ribs, 400 grams of chestnuts, 250 grams of taro, 250 grams of star anise, 2 ginger, a small piece of rock sugar, an appropriate amount of light soy sauce, an appropriate amount of soy sauce, a small amount of MSG, a little cornmeal, half

  • Japanese pumpkin bag

    Japanese pumpkin bag

    Queen's Flour 500g fine sugar 50g salt 6g fresh yeast 13g ice milk 350g chopped ripe walnuts 100g butter 35g Beibei Pumpkin 1 Japanese pumpkin bag Recipe Step 1 Preparation:
    •Fresh beibei pumpkin, cut into cubes, add a small amount of olive oil, mix well

  • Harvard Vegetable Soup

    Harvard Vegetable Soup

    Small onions, half a carrot, 1 small root of cabbage or cabbage, 150 grams of Babe pumpkin, half a Harvard vegetable soup. Step 1: Prepare the ingredients. Step 2 Cut the ingredients into cubes and Step 3 put them into the pot. Add water to cover 3 finger
