Longkou vermicelli recipes

  • Vegetarian Fried Vermicelli

    Vegetarian Fried Vermicelli

    2 handfuls of Longkou vermicelli, 2 handfuls of shiitake mushrooms, 1/3 of carrots, 1/6 of onion, 1/6 of green pepper, 1/4 of cabbage, 1/4 of garlic, 2 cloves of light soy sauce, 12 ml of sugar, 3 grams of salt, 2 grams of black pepper, appropriate amount

  • Lamb rolls with vermicelli

    Lamb rolls with vermicelli

    Longkou vermicelli 1 small handful of coriander, three roots of ginger, two slices of clear oil hot pot base 1 tablespoon of mushrooms, 3 small cabbages, a handful of mutton rolls, appropriate amount of mutton rolls. Steps for soaking vermicelli in warm w
