longan meat recipes

  • Nourishing pig heart soup

    Nourishing pig heart soup

    1 pig heart, 3 red dates, 3 ginger slices, 4 slices of wolfberry, 1 handful of salt, a pinch of lotus seeds, a handful of fresh yam, 6 longan meat, an appropriate amount of water, appropriate amount of water to nourish the pig heart soup. Step 1: Cut the

  • Five kernel porridge to nourish qi and nourish blood

    Five kernel porridge to nourish qi and nourish blood

    10 lotus seeds, 10 longan meat, 12 red dates, 12 gordon seeds, 50 grams of barley, 50 grams of water, appropriate amount of water to replenish qi and nourish the blood. Step 1 of the recipe: 10 lotus seeds, 10 longans (peeled off the shell), red dates (br

  • Pork Bone Soup Hot Pot

    Pork Bone Soup Hot Pot

    Knorr Pork Bone Soup Two tomatoes, 1 red date, a few wolfberries, a little longan, a little green onion, half a root of ginger, three slices of shiitake mushrooms, eight enoki mushrooms, a handful of lettuce, three lotus roots, a section of baby cabbage,

  • Winter nourishing braised lamb chop soup

    Winter nourishing braised lamb chop soup

    800g mutton chops 1 sliced ​​ginger 8 water chestnuts 1 piece sugar cane 300g pitted red dates 4 longan meat 6g yam slices 20g angelica 9g Codonopsis pilosula 4g tangerine peel (removed) 3g white peppercorns 2 Appropriate amount of rice wine, appropriate
