Thin noodles recipes

  • Mushroom, Shrimp and Vegetable Noodle Soup

    Mushroom, Shrimp and Vegetable Noodle Soup

    Thin noodles, a handful of morels, 30 grams of fungus, 10 grams of shrimps, 12 frozen tofu, 150 grams of coriander, an appropriate amount of greens, 1 handful of mushrooms, shrimps and vegetable noodle soup. Step 1: Prepare the dishes: Soak the morels in

  • Lard noodles

    Lard noodles

    A small handful of thin noodles, 2 pieces of spinach, 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, a small spoon of lard, a small spoonful of sesame oil, a few drops of white pepper, a little egg, 1 spring onion, 1 stick of lard. Step 1 to prepare the noodles: thin
