Nuts recipes

  • Cheese and Vegetable Bagels

    Cheese and Vegetable Bagels

    Vegetable and fruit pellets, an appropriate amount of nuts, an appropriate amount of bagel, 1 French brie cheese, a small piece of salad dressing, an appropriate amount of cheese, how to make the vegetable and fruit bagel, step 1, prepare the ingredients.

  • Nut Cheese Ciabatta

    Nut Cheese Ciabatta

    Mushroom flavored ciabatta 1 nut 1 handful St. Paulin cheese 1 appropriate amount of raw eggs 1 lunch meat 1 piece of green grape 1 appropriate amount of nut cheese ciabatta Step 1 Prepare the ingredients. Step 2 Place the ciabatta in an air fryer preheat

  • dessert cup

    dessert cup

    Peanut Chocolate Cupcake 1 commercially available chocolate cookie 3 pieces whipped cream 50g nuts some Sijibao squeeze pack 1 bag of strawberries 1 chocolate sauce some Baileys 20ml dessert cup Recipe Step 1 Prepare the required materials 2 cupcakes cut
