water (milk) recipes

  • Salted egg yolk biscuits

    Salted egg yolk biscuits

    Water and oil crust: 15g butter, 15g powdered sugar, 15g low flour (medium flour), 100g water (milk), 55g pastry, 50g low flour, cooked salted egg yolk, 5-7 butter, 25g, salted egg yolk biscuits. Step 1: Prepare all ingredients. The method of processing s

  • Chiffon Cup

    Chiffon Cup

    3 egg yolks, water (milk), 40g corn oil, 20g low-gluten flour, 50g protein, 3 fine sugar, 45g, how to make chiffon cups. Step 1: Prepare the paper cups first. The recipe of 3 eggs can make 8 pieces. Eggs with shells are about 55g/piece. .Do not use wood-f
