fermented rice wine recipes

  • Pumpkin Toast Bread

    Pumpkin Toast Bread

    2 grams of salt, 20 grams of milk powder, 20 grams of egg, 1 fermented rice, 53 grams of high-gluten flour, 255 grams of pumpkin puree, 110 grams of yeast, 4 grams of butter, 20 grams of pumpkin seeds, a few pumpkin seeds, how to make pumpkin toast bread,

  • Steamed Pumpkin with Red Dates and Lily

    Steamed Pumpkin with Red Dates and Lily

    Pumpkin head, 700 grams of red dates, appropriate amount of fresh lilies, 1 rock sugar, 20 grams of wolfberry, 1 handful of osmanthus, appropriate amount of starch, 1 spoon of fermented rice wine, 200 grams of red dates and lilies. Step 1: Cut the pumpkin
