Porcini mushrooms recipes

  • Porcini spine soup

    Porcini spine soup

    Meat backbone, 500g porcini mushrooms, 30g green onion, 1 piece of ginger, 1 piece of star anise, 3 grains of salt, appropriate amount of porcini backbone soup, step 1, main ingredients. Step 2 Wash the porcini mushrooms and soak them. Step 3: Blanch the

  • Griddle Porcini Mushrooms

    Griddle Porcini Mushrooms

    Porcini mushrooms 2 fresh garlic sprouts 3 heads of garlic Appropriate amount of peanut oil Appropriate amount of light salt Appropriate amount of chicken essence Appropriate amount of fresh millet Spicy + Dried chili Appropriate amount of dry-cooked porc
