dried eggs recipes

  • Tofu skin cabbage

    Tofu skin cabbage

    3 pieces of fried tofu, very fresh flavor, 2 tablespoons of carrots, 1 dried egg, 1 package of snowflake pork slices, 3 slices of garlic sprouts, 1 oyster sauce, 2 tablespoons of oil, appropriate amount of lettuce, 6 slices of tofu skin cabbage, step 1, p

  • Lychee meat

    Lychee meat

    Tenderloin 200g dried eggs 30g cucumber 20g cherry tomatoes 10g cooking wine 8g pepper 1g starch 20g oil 30g sugar 10g tomato sauce 20g water starch 20g very fresh flavor 3g lychee meat Recipe Step 1 Cut the tenderloin into slices, add cooking wine and pe

  • Fried Dried Eggs with Chives

    Fried Dried Eggs with Chives

    300 grams of dried leeks, 1 piece of salt, 1.5 grams of Totole mushroom extract, 1 gram of cooking oil, 20 ml of dried leeks and scrambled eggs. Step 1: Prepare the ingredients. Remove the rotten leaves from the leeks, clean them, and drain the water. Ste
