Pipi shrimp recipes

  • Garlic Shrimp

    Garlic Shrimp

    500 grams of Pipi shrimps, 4 pieces of ginger, 4 slices of garlic, half a green onion, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of light soy sauce, appropriate amount of garlic. How to make Pipi shrimps 1. I bought the Pipi shrimps from the vegetabl

  • Seafood Hash Browns

    Seafood Hash Browns

    American hash browns 1 bag of Pipi shrimps Appropriate amount of coriander and onions Appropriate amount of Northeastern miso Miso Appropriate amount of seafood Hash browns Recipe Step 1 Semi-finished potato cakes. Step 2 Thaw. Step 3: Heat the oil and ad

  • Spicy Pipi Shrimp

    Spicy Pipi Shrimp

    500g of Pipi shrimp, appropriate amount of millet, appropriate amount of onion, ginger, garlic, appropriate amount of pepper, appropriate amount of vegetable oil, half a spoonful of soy sauce, half a spoonful of salt, a little spicy Pipi shrimp. Step 1: C
