Cordyceps flowers recipes

  • Cordyceps Flower Morel Mushroom Carrot Pork Ribs Soup

    Cordyceps Flower Morel Mushroom Carrot Pork Ribs Soup

    Appropriate amount of Cordyceps flowers, 1 carrot, 1 rib (I forgot what it is called for the stew soup), appropriate amount of ginger, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of water, appropriate amount of chicken essence, appropriate amount of Co

  • old duck soup

    old duck soup

    Half a piece of duck, 780 grams of Cordyceps flowers, 20 grams of ginger, 5 slices of cooking wine, 2 tablespoons of salt, an appropriate amount of boiling water, an appropriate amount of duck soup. Step 1: Prepare the ingredients, chop half a piece of du

  • Cordyceps flower, winter melon and shrimp skin soup

    Cordyceps flower, winter melon and shrimp skin soup

    Appropriate amount of Cordyceps flowers, appropriate amount of winter melon, appropriate amount of dried shrimps, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of purified water, appropriate amount of Cordyceps flowers, winter melon and dried shrimps sou
