Sweet corn kernels recipes

  • picnic lunch

    picnic lunch

    2 tablespoons of sweet corn kernels, 20 grams of meat floss, 20 grams of sweet salad dressing, 2 tablespoons of rice, sushi seaweed, ham sausage, carrot florets, broccoli, carrots and tamagoyaki. How to make a picnic lunch. Step 1: Mix sweet corn kernels,

  • Jinsha Corn

    Jinsha Corn

    300 grams of sweet corn kernels, salted egg yolk sauce, 50 grams of corn starch, appropriate amount of golden sand corn. Step 1. I bought quick-frozen sweet corn kernels, which are more convenient and can be used for salads, pizza, etc. Step 2: After thaw

  • Cashew Corn Kernels

    Cashew Corn Kernels

    350 grams of sweet corn kernels, 100 grams of carrots, 100 grams of cucumber, 2 grams of cashew nuts, appropriate amount of chopped green onion, 20 g of cooking oil, 20 g of cashew nuts, corn kernels. Step 1. Ingredients. Step 2. Add peanut oil to the wok
