dried fish recipes

  • crab porridge

    crab porridge

    Big swimming crab, one rice, 200g minced ginger, one spoonful of chopped green onion, one spoonful of white pepper, a little four-season pepper, a little black pepper, a little oil, half a spoonful of dried fish, two kelp knots, three dried cuttlefish, tw

  • Fried eggs with chives

    Fried eggs with chives

    4 stalks of celery, 3 leeks, 2 fresh lilies, 1 handful of eggs, 2 dried fish, 2 green onions, 2 sticks of ginger, 1 piece of garlic, 6 cloves of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of salt, 2 grams of chicken essence, 1 spoon of water, 15 gr
