fish intestines recipes

  • bean curd cake

    bean curd cake

    50 grams of tomatoes, 25 grams of fish intestines, 1 chopped green onion, 2 grams of eggs, 2 tofu skins, 4 sheets of white sesame seeds, 2 grams of tofu skin pancake. Step 1. Reference age: 15 months and above, babies who are not allergic to food ingredie

  • Homemade sushi

    Homemade sushi

    Wuchang rice, a cup of purified water, 1.2 cups of eggs, a fish intestine, 2 large roots, 2 sushi vinegar, a spoonful of cucumber, the right amount of carrots, the right amount of meat floss, the right amount of black and white sesame seeds, the right amo
