southern tofu recipes

  • appetizer soup

    appetizer soup

    5 grams of oyster mushrooms, 15 grams of lettuce, 80 grams of tomatoes, 30 grams of southern tofu, 60 grams of sea bass fillets. Step 1: Prepare ingredients: 5 grams of oyster mushrooms, 15 grams of lettuce, 80 grams of tomatoes, 30 grams of southern tofu

  • Steamed fish with soy sauce

    Steamed fish with soy sauce

    Headless six-line fish 1 piece of ginger 2 slices of southern tofu 1 piece of June fresh 10 degree light salt soy sauce appropriate amount of soy sauce Steamed six-line fish Step 1 Finished product Step 2 Preparation materials: One piece of six-line fish

  • Toon mixed with diced tofu

    Toon mixed with diced tofu

    200 grams of toon, 200 grams of southern tofu, 5 grams of sesame oil, 5 ml of toon mixed with diced tofu. Step 1: Remove the old stems of toon and wash them. Step 2: Blanch them in boiling water. Step 3: Take them out quickly, rinse them with cold water a
