peeled pork belly recipes

  • Japanese pizza

    Japanese pizza

    Octopus, two shrimps, 8 peeled pork belly, 8 pieces of onion, 1/4 cabbage, 1/4 red pepper, 1/4 salt, 1 tsp cooking wine (cured meat), a small amount of yam, a stick of original salad dressing (or Thousand Island dressing) A small amount of tomato sauce (o

  • Stir-fried pork with tea tree mushrooms and peppers

    Stir-fried pork with tea tree mushrooms and peppers

    350 grams of tea tree mushrooms, peeled pork belly, 120 grams of hot pepper, 1 minced garlic, 3 cloves of very fresh soy sauce, 2 spoons of salt, 4 grams of vegetable oil, 4 spoons of tea tree mushrooms and peppers. Step 1: Prepare the ingredients: remove
