Raw peanuts recipes

  • Dry fried peanuts

    Dry fried peanuts

    400 grams of raw peanuts, about 150 grams of Doli peanut oil, an appropriate amount of salt, how to make dry-fried peanuts. Step 1: Buy the peanuts, wash them and put them in a non-stick pan to dry. Because there is dust during storage, you can not wash t

  • Roasted peanuts with green pepper and salt flavor

    Roasted peanuts with green pepper and salt flavor

    150 grams of raw peanuts, green pepper and salt seasoning, 1/4 packet of salt, 2 grams of Dolly Gold sunflower oil, 2 grams of rosemary, 1 stick of green pepper, salt and pepper flavor, roasted peanuts. Step 1: Add a little salt to the red peanuts and soa
