Watermelon rind recipes

  • Garlic stir-fried watermelon rind

    Garlic stir-fried watermelon rind

    Watermelon rind, half a red pepper, 1 garlic clove, 5 salt, appropriate amount of fine sugar, appropriate amount of light soy sauce, appropriate amount of garlic, stir-fried watermelon rind. Step 1: Prepare the ingredients. Step 2: Wash the watermelon rin

  • Cold watermelon rind

    Cold watermelon rind

    A piece of watermelon rind, an appropriate amount of salt, three cloves of garlic, a spoonful of white vinegar, a spoonful of cane pepper oil, an appropriate amount of white sugar, half a spoonful of chicken essence, a little cold watermelon rind. Step 1:
