spinach leaves recipes

  • Round sushi balls

    Round sushi balls

    200 grams of Norwegian salmon, 2 bowls of sushi rice, 2 bowls of bibimbap, appropriate amount of seaweed, seafood soy sauce, 15 grams of wasabi sauce, a few spinach leaves, a few eggs, 1 cucumber, 1 hamburger cheese slice, 2 slices of mayonnaise, appropri

  • Taro puree green dumpling

    Taro puree green dumpling

    100 grams of glutinous rice flour, 20 grams of warm water, 50 grams of starch powder, 30 grams of boiling water (for starch powder), 15 grams of spinach leaves, 50 grams of cooked lard, 10 grams of golden salted duck egg yolks, 8 unsalted butter, 40 grams
