Yellow peach recipes

  • Yellow peach in sugar water

    Yellow peach in sugar water

    6 yellow peaches with rock sugar: 200 grams of water and 1000 grams of sugar water. Step 1: Put the purchased yellow peaches in some water and add a little salt. After soaking for 3 minutes, the peach hairs on the surface of the yellow peaches will automa

  • canned yellow peach

    canned yellow peach

    3 yellow peaches, appropriate amount of rock sugar, canned yellow peaches. Step 1: Peel the yellow peaches and cut into small pieces and set aside. Step 2: Put rock sugar into cold water and boil, then add yellow peaches, bring to a boil over high heat, a

  • Yellow Peach, Snow Pear and Tremella Soup

    Yellow Peach, Snow Pear and Tremella Soup

    1 yellow peach, 1 pear, 1 white fungus, half a flower, appropriate amount of rock sugar. How to make yellow peach, snow pear and white fungus soup. Step 1: Prepare the ingredients and soak the white fungus in advance. Step 2: Cut the yellow peach and snow
