shredded beef recipes

  • Spring slimming sushi

    Spring slimming sushi

    Appropriate amount of vinegar for rice (red vinegar used) Appropriate amount of sushi roll One nori roll A few sheets of cucumber Appropriate amount of fruit Shredded beef Appropriate amount of white fungus Appropriate amount of salt Appropriate amount of

  • Colorful Vegetable Beef Noodle Pancake

    Colorful Vegetable Beef Noodle Pancake

    10 grams of noodles, 5 grams of all-purpose flour, 5 grams of carrots, 10 grams of shredded beef, 5 grams of eggs, 1 hawthorn cube, 2 romaine lettuce, 5 grams of colorful vegetables and beef noodle cakes. Step 1: Prepare ingredients: 10 grams of noodles,
