Dried dried shrimps recipes

  • Stir-fried cabbage with dried shrimps

    Stir-fried cabbage with dried shrimps

    Appropriate amount of sea rice, 2 sections of green onions, 3 cloves of leeks, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of sea rice, stir-fried cabbage. Step 1: Wash the sea rice, soak until soft, and set aside the o

  • Tangbao hot pot

    Tangbao hot pot

    Knorr Pork Bone Flavor Soup 1 piece of dried shrimps 1 handful ginger slices 5 slices of cabbage 1 small broccoli 1 small potato 1 hot pot meatball 1 bowl of garlic, coriander, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, peanut butter, sesame paste, appropriate amount

  • Fresh Meat and Sea Rice Dumplings

    Fresh Meat and Sea Rice Dumplings

    700g minced pork belly, 50g dried shrimps, 250g carrots, 1 yam, 250g eggs, 1 green onion, 3 pieces of ginger, a few slices of oyster sauce, 2 tablespoons of sugar, half a teaspoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of fresh meat, dried
