jujubes recipes

  • Crock Pot Mixed Mushroom Soup

    Crock Pot Mixed Mushroom Soup

    Chicken soup, a bowl of shiitake mushrooms, 4 oyster mushrooms, four slices of crab-flavored mushrooms, a pack of jujubes, 4 wolfberries, an appropriate amount of oil, a spoonful of salt, an appropriate amount of water. How to make mixed mushroom soup in

  • Tremella pear water

    Tremella pear water

    Half a pear or a jujube, white fungus, wolfberry, rock sugar, white fungus, and pear water. Step 1: Peel the pears and cut into pieces. Wash the white fungus and wolfberry. Cut four or five jujubes in half. Step 2: Add water to the pot. When the water boi
