turmeric recipes

  • Braised lamb chops with carrots

    Braised lamb chops with carrots

    Lamb chops 1000g carrots 6 green onions 1 piece of turmeric 1 piece of Sichuan peppercorns 1 small handful of salt 2 tablespoons of carrots Stewed lamb chops Step 1 Divide the lamb chops into small pieces, blanch them in cold water, wash off the foam Step

  • Roast shelduck with snow konjac

    Roast shelduck with snow konjac

    [Ingredients] 1 shelduck, 750 grams of snow konjac [auxiliary ingredients] 1 piece of old ginger, 6 garlic, 1 handful of shallots [Spices] 2 star anise, 2 kaempferias, 2 bay leaves, 3 pieces of gardenia, 1 piece of turmeric Appropriate amount of Sichuan p
