hand-made noodles recipes

  • Braised pork noodles

    Braised pork noodles

    80 grams of pork, hand-made noodles for one person, chopped green onion, appropriate amount of light soy sauce, 3 tablespoons of salt, appropriate amount of chicken essence, appropriate amount of starch, 2 tablespoons of coriander, 1 stick of meat-braised

  • Braised noodles with green beans

    Braised noodles with green beans

    1.5 pounds of green beans, pork belly, 5 yuan. 1 pound of hand-made noodles. Step 1: Slice the meat and separate the fat and leanness. Step 2: Heat the pot and put the fat directly into it. Stir-fry over low heat. Step 3: Refining the fat. If it turns gol
