mulberry recipes

  • Black bean mulberry water

    Black bean mulberry water

    3 red dates, a handful of dried longans, 10 mulberries, a handful of poria, 4 black beans and mulberry water. Step 1: Prepare the raw materials. Step 2: Put the health pot, add 1.5 liters of water, and set to boiling mode. Cook the black bean and mulberry

  • Summer-Relieving Sour Plum Soup

    Summer-Relieving Sour Plum Soup

    38g ebony plum, 20g tangerine peel, 20g hawthorn slices, 25g rosella, 5g water, 2.2 liters of licorice, 3 osmanthus, a pinch of mulberry, 4 mint, a pinch of rock sugar, 300g of summer-relieving sour plum soup. Step 1, ebony, step 2, tangerine peel, step 3

  • Slim Chicken Crispy Bones, Lettuce and Vegetable Mixed Salad

    Slim Chicken Crispy Bones, Lettuce and Vegetable Mixed Salad

    3 lettuce chicken crispy bones 200g mango 1 mulberry a handful of cashews 2 tablespoons large almonds 2 tablespoons cooked black and white sesame seeds a little Kewpie mayonnaise 1 tablespoon slimming chicken crispy bones lettuce mixed salad Step 1 Prepar
