grated ginger recipes

  • Air fried tofu balls

    Air fried tofu balls

    200g old tofu, 1 carrot, 1/2 carrot, crab mushroom or other mushrooms, 80g minced ginger, a pinch of starch, 50g pepper, appropriate amount of sea salt, appropriate amount of olive oil, appropriate amount of chili powder, optional two spring onions. How t

  • Noodles in barley soup

    Noodles in barley soup

    100 grams of noodles, 1 egg, 1 green onion, a little minced ginger, a little salt, a little pepper, a little light soy sauce, 1-2 tablespoons of sesame oil, a little chopped green onion, a little boiling water, a little boiling water. How to make noodles

  • Purslane vegetarian dumplings

    Purslane vegetarian dumplings

    500 grams of dried fungus, 5 grams of carrot, half an egg, 3 green onions, 1 section of minced ginger, 2 grams of salt, 4 grams of peppercorns, 1 spoon of peanut oil, 2 spoons of sesame oil, a few drops of flour, 500 grams of warm water, 255 grams of salt

  • breakfast and dinner

    breakfast and dinner

    Arowana dumplings, wheat flour, 600g water, appropriate amount, 500g leeks, 3 eggs, a small handful of dried shrimps, 15g minced ginger, a little ground golden arowana, appropriate amount of sesame oil, appropriate amount of cooking oil, cooking wine, lig
