Grapefruit peel recipes

  • grapefruit tea

    grapefruit tea

    1/3 grapefruit flesh, 2-3 cloves of rock sugar, 50g honey, 50-80g grapefruit tea. Step 1: Chop the grapefruit flesh. Step 2: Cut the grapefruit peel into thin strips. Add rock sugar and an appropriate amount of water to boil. I didn’t check the water, but

  • Pomelo peel candy

    Pomelo peel candy

    Steps to make grapefruit peel rock sugar and grapefruit peel sugar: 1. Rub the surface wax of grapefruit peel with salt, rinse it, cut it into small pieces, and soak it in clean water for more than 24 hours. Change the water every five or six hours. When
