Donggu Yipinxian recipes

  • Vegetarian chicken noodles

    Vegetarian chicken noodles

    400 grams of vegetarian chicken, 25 grams of Donggu Yipin fresh soy sauce, 8 grams of salt, 3 grams of rock sugar, 20 grams of oil, 100 grams of cinnamon, 1 small piece of star anise, 3 five-spice powder, 2 grams of water, appropriate amount of water. Ste

  • Garlic fish

    Garlic fish

    1 piece of three scale garlic 1 head of Donggu Yipinxian 1 tablespoon of oil 1 tablespoon of MSG Appropriate amount of dried chili 2 pieces of cooking oil Appropriate amount of ginger 1 piece of green onion 1 piece of salt 5 grams of garlic fish Recipe: 1

  • Eat two noodles

    Eat two noodles

    Chicken meatball noodles, Donggu Yipin fresh cabbage, sesame oil noodles. Step 2: Prepare ingredients. Step 2: Boil water and add noodles. Step 3: Take out some of the Donggu Yipin fresh cabbage and sesame oil. Mix well. Sprinkle some chopped green onion.
