chicken sauce recipes

  • Fried eggs with oyster mushrooms

    Fried eggs with oyster mushrooms

    Appropriate amount of oyster mushrooms, eggs, 2 spring onions, a few oyster sauce, a spoonful of chicken juice, seasoning, a little peanut oil, 10 grams of oyster mushrooms, scrambled eggs, step 1, a picture of the finished product, step 2, ingredient pre

  • Shrimp and Egg Shredded Wakame Soup

    Shrimp and Egg Shredded Wakame Soup

    100g of wakame wakame, shrimp paste, a pack of chicken juice, an appropriate amount of egg, 1 shrimp, silken egg, and shredded wakame soup. Step 1: Prepare the eggs. Step 2: Beat the eggs in a bowl. Step 3: Brush the pan with a small amount of oil, pour i
