plum recipes

  • Rice cooker pear soup

    Rice cooker pear soup

    1 Sydney pear, about 230 grams, half of fresh white fungus, about 150 grams, wolfberry, 5 grams of yellow rock sugar, 20 grams of water, 1000 grams of plums, 3 rice cooker, small hanging pear soup. Step 1: Wash the pears with salt and peel them a little l

  • Plum Pork Ribs

    Plum Pork Ribs

    500g pork ribs, a piece of ginger, 2 plums, a piece of garlic, 2 plums, millet pepper, 10g white sugar, 5g dark soy sauce, 10g light soy sauce, 10g plum pork ribs. Step 1: Chop the ribs into small pieces and blanch them. Step 2: Put oil in the pot and fry
