Chiffon cake recipes

  • Chiffon breakfast

    Chiffon breakfast

    Make the chiffon cake one night in advance. Make milk, oatmeal, strawberries, and eggs. How to make a chiffon breakfast. Steps 1: Add salt and water to stir-fry eggs. Cooking techniques for chiffon breakfast. There are techniques for making delicious dish

  • Strawberry Cream Naked Cake

    Strawberry Cream Naked Cake

    Chiffon cake, one strawberry, 10 creams, 150ml rosemary, appropriate amount of strawberry cream naked cake. Step 1: Prepare ingredients, make a chiffon cake embryo. Step 2: Separate the egg whites and yolks, put them in a water-free and oil-free glass bas

  • cake fruit cake

    cake fruit cake

    2 pieces of chiffon cake, 300g of whipped cream, 100g of powdered sugar, 100g of fruit (your favorite). Appropriate amount of cake. Step 1 of how to make fruit cake. I baked the cake base using the Swiss roll method. Step 2: Cut into the size you want (th

  • Depp Oven Recipe—Opera Cake

    Depp Oven Recipe—Opera Cake

    4 slices of chiffon cake Cream mayonnaise: butter 500g Cream mayonnaise: sugar 150g Cream mayonnaise: 5 egg yolks Cream mayonnaise: 2 eggs Coffee sauce: water 50g Coffee sauce: coffee 5g Coffee sauce: sugar 25g chocolate Topping: Chocolate 120g chocolate
