White jade mushroom recipes

  • Stir-fried seafood mushrooms

    Stir-fried seafood mushrooms

    250g white mushrooms, 100g carrots, 50g ginger slices, 2 slices salt, 3g light soy sauce, a little stir-fried seafood mushrooms. Step 1: Remove the seafood mushrooms, soak the fungus, slice the carrots, and slice the ginger. Step 2: Pour a little cooking

  • Vegetarian Fried White Jade Mushrooms

    Vegetarian Fried White Jade Mushrooms

    150g White Jade Mushroom, half each red, yellow, and green bell pepper, oyster sauce, one spoonful of salt, half a spoonful of cooking oil, half a spoonful of green onion, and half a vegetarian method for stir-frying the White Jade Mushroom. Step 1: Remov
