Black plum recipes

  • Summer-Relieving Sour Plum Soup

    Summer-Relieving Sour Plum Soup

    38g ebony plum, 20g tangerine peel, 20g hawthorn slices, 25g rosella, 5g water, 2.2 liters of licorice, 3 osmanthus, a pinch of mulberry, 4 mint, a pinch of rock sugar, 300g of summer-relieving sour plum soup. Step 1, ebony, step 2, tangerine peel, step 3

  • Ancient sour plum soup

    Ancient sour plum soup

    25g dried osmanthus, appropriate amount of yellow rock sugar, 50g dried hawthorn, 12g licorice, 4g tangerine peel shreds, 6g ancient sour plum soup. Step 1 Prepare the ingredients. Step 2, clean all the ingredients except the rock sugar, put them in a pot
