duck eggs recipes

  • Pickled duck eggs

    Pickled duck eggs

    30 duck eggs, 1 pound of salt, appropriate amount of white wine, how to pickle duck eggs. Step 1: Clean the duck eggs. Step 2: Pour the white wine into a large bowl. Step 3: Soak the duck eggs in the white wine for one minute. Step 4: Turn over the duck e

  • Steamed rice noodles for breakfast

    Steamed rice noodles for breakfast

    1 duck egg, 2 sausages, a little chopped green onion, a little cooking oil, an appropriate amount of dried radish, small pieces of garlic, 5 cloves of garlic. How to make steamed rice noodles for breakfast. Step 1: Soak the rice noodles in cold water for

  • Salted duck eggs

    Salted duck eggs

    14 duck eggs, appropriate amount of white wine, appropriate amount of salt, 150 grams of tinfoil, appropriate amount of pickling container. How to make 1 salted duck egg. Step 1: Wash the raw duck eggs and dry them. Step 2: You need a white wine of 50 deg
