dried lotus seeds recipes

  • Huaishan black rice cake

    Huaishan black rice cake

    60 grams of black rice, 240 grams of dried yam slices, a few slices of dried lotus seeds, 1 handful of dried tuckahoe seeds, 1 handful of dried tuckahoe seeds, 320 ml of high-sugar resistant yeast powder, 5 grams of white sugar, 60 grams of raisins, appro

  • Winter Melon and Lotus Seed Soup

    Winter Melon and Lotus Seed Soup

    250 grams of winter melon, dried lotus seeds, 50 grams of green onions, 1 bay leaf, an appropriate amount of salt, selected chicken, how to make winter melon and lotus seed soup. Step 1: Prepare the ingredients and soak the lotus seeds in advance. Step 2:
