Instant oats recipes

  • Sugar-free, oil-free and salt-free oatcakes

    Sugar-free, oil-free and salt-free oatcakes

    Instant oats 100g instant oats (ground) 100g baking soda 2g dried blackcurrants 1 handful of egg whites 3 sesame seeds (black and white as you like) A small amount of sugar-free, oil-free and salt-free oat cakes. Step 1: Remove the stems of dried blackcur

  • oatmeal cookies

    oatmeal cookies

    100g of instant oats, 70g of low-gluten flour, 70g of shredded coconut, 50g of butter, 50g of egg, 1 granulated sugar, 50g of milk, 30g of oatmeal cookies. Step 1. Suitable age: 18 months and above.
    Ingredients preparation: 100g oats, 70g low-gluten flour
