Houttuynia cordata recipes

  • Coconut and Pear Jelly

    Coconut and Pear Jelly

    200g of sea coconut, 2 big pears, 10 carrots, 1 silk grass root, 1 Houttuynia cordata, 1 handful of condensed milk, 1 bottle of milk, 250 ml of white jelly, 200g of chrysanthemums, 20g of water, appropriate amount of coconut and pear jelly. Step 1: Wash a

  • Houttuynia cordata and pear soup

    Houttuynia cordata and pear soup

    2 Sydney pears, 150 grams of Houttuynia cordata, 1 small handful of rock sugar, appropriate amount of rock sugar, 150 grams of Houttuynia cordata, and Sydney pear soup. Step 1: Take an appropriate amount of Houttuynia cordata, wash and drain, and set asid
