marinade recipes

  • Pork slices and fried beans

    Pork slices and fried beans

    Tenderloin 3 taels of green beans 6 taels of marinade Knorr chicken powder 1/2 tsp (3g) starch 1/2 tsp (3ml) seasoning 2 tsp light soy sauce (10g) minced ginger, a little minced garlic, a little oil 2 tsp (10g) fried pork slices How to make green beans St

  • New Orleans Grilled Chicken Thighs

    New Orleans Grilled Chicken Thighs

    6 chicken legs marinated 60g New Orleans grilled chicken legs Recipe Step 1: Cut the chicken legs a few times to allow the flavor to marinate easily. Step 2: The marinade I bought is also available in supermarkets and other types are available. The dosage

  • fried chicken wings

    fried chicken wings

    10 pieces of chicken wings, marinade, 15 grams of Sichuan peppercorns, a little fried chicken wings. Steps 1: Wash the wings and cut a slit in the middle with a knife to facilitate the flavor. Mix evenly with marinade and marinate for about 1 hour. Step 2
