Duck neck recipes

  • braised duck goods

    braised duck goods

    6 duck necks, 1 jin of duck intestines, 1 jin of duck esophagus, 1 jin of duck feet, 2 jins of duck gizzards, 2 jins of green onion, ginger, and pepper, appropriate amount of pepper, bay leaves, and tangerine peel, appropriate amount of star anise, bay le

  • Lazy Spicy Duck Neck

    Lazy Spicy Duck Neck

    10 duck necks Hot pot base Ingredients Appropriate amount of cooking oil Appropriate amount of green onion and ginger Appropriate amount of rock sugar 4 to 5 cooking wine 2 spoons of star anise 2 bay leaves 1 piece of Sichuan pepper Appropriate amount of

  • Spicy duck neck#Sichuan cuisine#

    Spicy duck neck#Sichuan cuisine#

    1. Braise the duck neck. 2. Chop the duck neck into sections.
