Pixian Douban recipes

  • Sichuan Boiled Pork Slices

    Sichuan Boiled Pork Slices

    250 grams of lean meat, cabbage (or other seasonal vegetables, lettuce is usually used in Sichuan), 200 grams of Pixian watercress, 50 grams of starch, 25 grams of glutinous rice juice, 25 ml of salt, 2 grams of chicken essence, a small amount of dried ch

  • Sichuan fish-flavored shredded pork

    Sichuan fish-flavored shredded pork

    1 piece of tenderloin, an appropriate amount of green pepper, half a winter bamboo shoot (since I didn’t have any, I used half an onion instead) 1 piece of black fungus (soaked) 5 or 6 onions, minced ginger and garlic, an appropriate amount of chopped pep

  • Thick cheese pizza

    Thick cheese pizza

    2 heads of Sam's crayfish, 1 tablespoon of white sugar, half a green onion, 5 slices of ginger, 2 grams of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of cooked sesame seeds, 1 gram of Pixian watercress, 1 tablespoon of fresh noodles, 200 grams of thick cheese pizza,

  • Spicy and sour beef

    Spicy and sour beef

    250g beef slices, 100g vermicelli, 100g enoki mushrooms, 50g Pixian douban, 30g soy sauce, 15ml mature vinegar, 30ml cooking wine, 15ml sugar, 3g salt, appropriate amount of chicken essence, a small amount of chives, 15g ginger, 15g garlic, 25g garlic, 3

  • Mapo yam

    Mapo yam

    300g beef stuffing 100g green garlic sprouts 15g Pixian watercress 10g tempeh 8g sweet noodle sauce 15g ginger 10g chili powder 0.5g pepper powder 1.5g soy sauce 10ml sugar 5g starch 5g broth (or boiling water) 150ml Oil 75ml Mapo Yam Recipe Step 1 Wear g
