hand pancakes recipes

  • Sausage Pastry Bread

    Sausage Pastry Bread

    200 potatoes, 2 hand cakes, 2 cheese slices, 1 sausage, 2 cheese shreds, 30 grams of sausage puff pastry bread. Step 1: Wash the potatoes, slice them, and steam them for about 15 minutes until soft. Step 2: Add salt and black pepper. Press the mayonnaise

  • Nutritious quick breakfast丨Luncheon meat and egg pancakes

    Nutritious quick breakfast丨Luncheon meat and egg pancakes

    2-3 eggs, appropriate amount of luncheon meat/ham sausage, 2-3 pieces of chives, appropriate amount of nutritious quick breakfast | How to make luncheon meat and egg pancakes. Step 1: Put a piece of handcake in the pot, and cut the luncheon meat into stri

  • Crispy Beef Patty

    Crispy Beef Patty

    1. Cut fresh beef into pieces 2. Cut into pieces and chop into minced meat

  • #半元xiao#Cheese Shrimp Cake

    #半元xiao#Cheese Shrimp Cake

    1. First prepare all the ingredients. 2. Remove the whiskers and threads from the prawns. Do not remove the heads and tails of the prawn
