Shanghai green recipes

  • Korean rice cake hotpot

    Korean rice cake hotpot

    1 tablespoon Korean chili sauce 250g light soy sauce 1 tablespoon oyster sauce 2 tablespoons warm water 100g beef meatballs 100g Shanghai green 1 fish roe meatballs 100g swallow dumplings 100g Korean rice cake hot pot recipe step 1 swallow Dumplings, Shan

  • Authentic Liuzhou Snail Noodles丨Big Mouth Snails

    Authentic Liuzhou Snail Noodles丨Big Mouth Snails

    1. Open Haohuan Luosili Rice Noodles, and the first thing that catches your eye is these cute 8 small bags. Each bag is unique, plus some green vegetables, a few tofu puffs and a braised egg. Yes, this is really Liuzhou (a certain place) Bao Brand Direct
