octopus recipes

  • Fresh Fish Head and Tofu Hot Pot

    Fresh Fish Head and Tofu Hot Pot

    750g fresh fish head, 400g soft tofu, 400g Totole original fresh cooking wine (amount for the bottom of the fish head tofu pot), 15g ginger slices, 4 slices, Totole soup freshness [Buddha Jumps Over the Wall Flavor] soup base seasoning, 2 packs of coriand

  • Nigiri sushi

    Nigiri sushi

    How to make rice, sushi vinegar, octopus, crab roe, and seaweed nigiri sushi. Step 1. Mix the rice and sushi vinegar - it depends on your personal taste. Step 2. Dip your hands in water, add some rice, and gently hold it into a shape. Step 3. Then cut the

  • Spicy and delicious octopus

    Spicy and delicious octopus

    1. Raw material preparation 2. Raw material preparation
