tahini recipes

  • Mixed jellyfish

    Mixed jellyfish

    1000g of jellyfish, 3 cloves of garlic, 3 cloves of coriander, 1 tree sugar, 40g of sesame paste, appropriate amount of vinegar, 20ml of mixed jellyfish. Step 1: Prepare all the ingredients. Simple and convenient. Step 2: Chop coriander and garlic and set

  • Spinach with Sesame Sauce

    Spinach with Sesame Sauce

    250g spinach, a little salt, a tablespoon of sesame paste, a tablespoon of vegetable oil, a teaspoon of garlic, a clove of sugar, a little sesame paste. How to make spinach. Step 1: Pour water into a pot, add a little salt and heat until it boils. Add was

  • Cashew Nut Vegetable Salad

    Cashew Nut Vegetable Salad

    1. 1. Wash the vegetables, drain and put on a plate 2. Sprinkle cashews 3. Spread sesame sauce and decorate with cherry and radish slices. Tips: Refreshing taste
