Rice noodles recipes

  • Pho


    One pack of bean sprouts, one handful of ham sausage, one egg, one cucumber, half a mushroom, two steamed fish, soy sauce, one spoonful of light soy sauce, one spoonful of green onion, ginger, garlic, appropriate amount of dried chili, one Sichuan pepperc

  • Jiangxi Fried Noodles

    Jiangxi Fried Noodles

    1. Prepare ingredients: 300 grams of rice noodles, 100 grams of beef, 50 grams of millet pepper, 20 grams of green vegetables, 20 grams of mung bean sprouts, 2 cloves of garlic, an appropriate amount of soy sauce, a little sweet potato starch, an appropri
