Okra 300g Prawn 150g
Red pepper 15 grams Green onion 15 grams
How to make fried prawns with okra #尊伟grandmother's hometown fragrant Mid-Autumn Festival# Stir-fried okra Illustration of how to cook shrimp 1

Step 1

Seasoned and marinated shrimp #find丝grandmaxiangxiangmanmid-autumn feast# Stir-fried okra Illustration of how to cook shrimp 2

Step 2

Blanched okraReserved #find丝grandmaxiangxiangmanmid-autumn feast# Stir-fried okra Illustration of how to cook shrimp 3

Step 3

Stir-fry the shrimp meat and prepare #find丝grandmaxiangxiangmanmid-autumn feast# Stir-fried okra Illustration of how to cook shrimp 4

Step 4

Sauté okra and prawns until fragrant #find丝grandmother's fragrant Mid-Autumn Festival# Stir-fried okra Shrimp recipeSolution 5

Step 5

seasoning stage #find丝grandmother's fragrant Mid-Autumn Festival# Stir-fried okra Illustration of how to cook shrimp 6

Step 6

Titian touch-up starts Cooking tips for stir-fried prawns with okra

You can adjust the seasoning ratio appropriately according to your own taste