Chicken offal recipes

  • Kimchi Chicken Offal

    Kimchi Chicken Offal

    200 grams of chicken offal. Appropriate amount of light soy sauce. Appropriate amount of garlic. Appropriate amount of dark soy sauce. One spoon of salt. Appropriate amount of sugar. Appropriate amount of pickled ginger and sea pepper. Appropriate amount

  • Chicken with Pickled Peppers

    Chicken with Pickled Peppers

    150g of chicken offal, soaked in two wattle sticks, 40g of soaked wild mountain pepper, 10g of soaked ginger, 10g of garlic, 20g of garlic, 8g of fungus, 10g of celery, 80g of cooking wine, 5g of pepper, 2g of cornstarch, 5g of salt, 2g of MSG, 5g of vine

  • Stir-fried chicken offal

    Stir-fried chicken offal

    1. Material preparation. 2. Wash and cut the side dishes.
