spicy ramen recipes

  • rice cake hot pot

    rice cake hot pot

    600g of water, 250g of rice cake, 100g of rice cake sauce, 100g of shin ramen, 1 piece of thousand-sheet tofu, 6 pieces of enoki mushrooms, 1 handful of luncheon meat, 6 slices of grilled sausage, 8 green onions, appropriate amount of rice cake hot pot. S

  • Kimchi Fatty Beef Hot Pot

    Kimchi Fatty Beef Hot Pot

    Appropriate amount of spicy cabbage, half onion, half baby cabbage, 1 hot pot meatball, appropriate amount of luncheon meat, half box of beef, 1 box of clams, 500g bean sprouts, appropriate amount of enoki mushrooms, appropriate amount of cheese rice cake

  • Army hotpot

    Army hotpot

    1. Slice the onion crosswise, the texture is very nice, set aside 2. Cut the green onion into sections and set aside
