Chinese sausage recipes

  • Cantonese Cured Rice Dumplings

    Cantonese Cured Rice Dumplings

    1000 grams of glutinous rice, 200 grams of sausage, 200 grams of edible alkali, 2 grams of peanut oil, 3 ml of salt, 2 grams of rice dumpling leaves, an appropriate amount of Bodhi, an appropriate amount of Cantonese cured rice dumplings. Step 1: Wash the

  • Cured Rice Dumplings

    Cured Rice Dumplings

    1000 grams of glutinous rice, 300 grams of sausage, 100 grams of dried shiitake mushrooms, 8 grams of salt, 5 ml of soy sauce, 2 ml of rice dumpling leaves, appropriate amount of pampas grass, appropriate amount of cured rice dumplings. Step 1: Wash the g

  • Sausage Claypot Rice

    Sausage Claypot Rice

    250 grams of rice, 2 cured chicken legs, half a small green vegetable, 1 small handful of eggs, 1 steamed fish, soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of sugar, half a spoonful of oil, appropriate amount of claypot rice with sausages. Step 1. Wash the cured chicken leg
